Video Tour of My Sketchbook
Daily Drawing Project in 2020 Lockdown

Last March 2020, I started a daily drawing project when Toronto schools and businesses all closed because of COVID-19 restrictions. The video tour of my sketchbook shown below shows one of the drawing books I filled, occasionally with the help of my kids. During the pandemic lockdown in 2020, I drew a different toy or stuffed animal every day. The Holbein mixed media sketchbook shown here is one of my favorite drawing tools because of its light weight and high quality paper. Pre-COVID, I always carried a sketchbook in my handbag or backpack, along with basic drawing tools including a pencil, eraser and pencil sharpener. By constantly having my art supplies on hand while outside the house, I was able to sneak in quick pencil sketches and drawings while waiting for appointments or in between errands. When stuck at home with my family during this past year, I've had to work harder to fit in drawing and art making time. Having a daily drawing project ensured that I drew and created art every day, even during a worldwide pandemic! The toy and animal drawings shown in this sketchbook video tour are not my best artwork and are often not finished. Sometimes a child (or 2) decided to add to my drawing. But at least I continued making art on a consistent basis. Below the video art tour you can view some of my more finished pencil drawings and sketches.
A Quick Video Tour of My Sketchbook...
Original Drawing Commissions of Toys and Stuffed Animals
You can read more about my Daily Drawing Project during the COVID-19 lockdowns in this Art Blog post: Daily Drawing During a Pandemic. If you have any requests for specific toy or stuffed animals drawings, please let me know. Original drawing commissions of toys and stuffed animals are an option. Below you can see and shop some recent available black and white toy and animal pencil sketches below.
Shop Original Drawings of Stuffed Animals and Toys
Stay tuned for more Sketchbook Video Tours and Daily Drawings of toys and animals!
I'll be posting more photos of original drawings of toys, dolls, stuffed, toys and other objects, as well as video tours of my sketchbooks and artwork on this Art Blog and in my online Art Shop.
Want to see more art videos and sketchbook tours?
Find me around the web and on social media as @RachaelGradArt on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and other social media platforms. Get news first of updates, art sales, events and more by signing up for my VIP Art List (click here to learn more).