Paintings Celebrating the First Day of Spring
Happy First Day of Spring! Today in Toronto the sun was shining, ice and snow was melting and it felt like spring.
We're all feeling so ready for spring after a long, snowy cold winter in Toronto. ❄️ ⛄️ ❄️So many snowstorms and snow days with offices, buses and schools canceled or closing early because of the wintery weather.
In celebration of the arrival of spring, I started these 2 acrylic on canvas abstract paintings today. Inspired by the “official” start of spring to paint abstract grass and flowers. 🌸 🌹These paintings have the feel of fields of grass and grains blowing in the wind.
I started with washes of yellows and oranges then used a palette knife and very watery brush loaded with acrylic paint to add the lines across the canvases. The result is blended colours and textures of paint.
Stay tuned to see how these two paintings progress...
I can’t wait for the snow and ice to melt, and for the trees and flowers to bloom here in Toronto!
Happy Spring, everyone!