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Hiding Behind My Paintings

My Paintings By Toronto Artist Rachael Grad

I'd Rather Be In My Art Studio...

Like many artists I’d rather be painting and in my art studio than working on a computer. In this photo, I'm hiding behind a recent colorful abstract painting that I created in the summer. Still not entirely comfortable being in photos, I'd rather that my artwork is shown alone and speak for itself!

The artist dream is for my artwork to speak for (and sell!) itself. But the more art collectors I meet, the more I’ve realized how most people want to know about the artist and process behind original paintings. So the online website and art shop is a great to keep updated, especially with holiday season approaching quickly.

Getting Ready for the Holiday Season (in September!)

Yes, it's only September but I have a big upcoming family trip when I won’t have time to create art or be online. With my trip and the expected jet lag, my art and gifts need be ready early this year for the holidays.

This past week I’ve been finishing up some studio projects and updating my online art shop. Many hours have been spent on time-consuming tedious tasks like uploading recent art and gifts to my website. Not my favourite jobs to do but I wanted to add new paintings and fun gift products to my online art shop. 

You may notice some new original artwork, art leggings and colorful pillows in my Art Shop. I’d rather be in painting in my art studio (my favorite thing to do!). But at least there's new content for you to see! 

2019-09-27 I'd Rather Be Painting In My Art Studio... by Toronto Artist Rachael Grad