Books on Motherhood and Art

Mother's Day in Canada and the U.S. is less than one week away! I'm always looking for creative gift ideas for my mom and family members. If your mother loves to read, I have book recommendations for you and her. For my art research on art and motherhood, I've read some great books this past year including:
📕 Mother Reader; Essential Readings on Motherhood by Moira Davey
📖 The M Word; Real Mothers in Contemporary Art edited by Muriel Chernick and Jennie Klein
📚 Representations of Motherhood by Donna Bassin, Margaret Honeu, Mertle Maurer
📕 The Great Mother by Massimiliano Gioni
📖 Uninvited; Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment by Sarah Milroy and A.C Dejardin
📚 William Wegman Paintings by William Wegman (not related to parenting but this book has inspired me in the art studio and is just so good!)

I always have a pile of books to read. These tomes are on my bookshelf for this summer and some of the children’s toys I’ve used as paintbrushes…
Here are some books I'd like to read this summer:
📕 A Life’s Work; On Becoming a Mother by Rachel Cusk
📖 Ninth Street Women by Mary Gabriel (can’t believe I still haven’t finished this one -this book has been on my to-read list for years!)
📚 Inappropriate Bodies; Art, Design, and Maternity by Rachel Epp Bullet and Charles Reeve
📕 Wet; On Painting, Feminism, and Art Culture by Mira Schor
📖 Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures by Russell Ferguson
What’s on your reading list? I’m always looking for great book recommendations.
Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Mother's Day!
Related Art Blog Posts on Motherhood and Art:
- Articles, Books and Online Resources on Motherhood
- Art & Motherhood: On Being an Artist and a Mom
- Art Series: Motherhood Hit Me Like a Train
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