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Abstract Flower Original Paintings

"There Are Always Flowers for Those Who Want To See Them." 

- Henri Matisse

Abstract Flower Original Paintings by artist Rachael Grad colorful art

Colorful Floral Painting Series

My new Abstract Flower Marks Series started on the first day of Spring, March 20, 2019. In Toronto that day it was still freezing cold but the sun was shining, and the ice and snow was melting. When I looked outside my studio window, I could feel the start of spring.

Longing for warmer weather, I started painting imagined flowers and grasses of what I hoped would soon appear in Toronto. These new floral paintings are very colorful and lively. Each one is a different experiment in new color combinations and layering of paint. 


Abstract Flower Multicolor Painting by artist Rachael Grad colorful art

Flower Paintings Stemming from Color & Meditation

I couldn't help myself with the flower pun! These recent flower paintings all relate to and stem from my Dot Series Paintings on Color & Meditation. Read more about that abstract painting series in this art blog in this art blog post (click here). 

The Dot Series has branched into several new series including this abstract flower paintings, abstracted interiors, and meditative abstract color studies. I’m inspired by color in the world around me whether it’s my children’s toys, messy house, travel photographs or Toronto gardens and flowers.

Abstract Flower Painting Process

In my studio I spend time meditating in front of my canvas and considering my current art in progress. To start each painting, I draw a compositional sketch in paint of flowers or a landscape with grass and wild flowers.

Years ago, I loved oil and watercolor paints. Lately I've been working with acrylic paint because it dries quickly. This allows me to create many layers in a much shorter period of time than oil paint. 

In the Abstract Flower Series, I experiment with different paint applications: washes,  bold brushstrokes and palette knife marks across the canvas or panel. Each artwork has many layers and lots of texture built up over multiple painting sessions.

Over time as I apply paint, the artwork becomes more abstracted. The colors change and texture builds with each painting session. The paintings continue to evolve and change, especially now that there are real flowers blooming outside my studio window! 

There Are Always Flowers for Those Who Want To See Them Henri Matisse quote