Daily Drawing Project Update
In 2015, I reached 6 months of daily drawing in a row. Since February I drew toys and stuffed animals from life every single day!
Below are some of the benefits of daily drawing and my reflections on 6 months in a row.
Are you interested in starting your own daily creative project? Whether it’s daily drawing, writing, reading photography, or something else, you may find the below recommendations and reflections helpful for your own daily projects.

Materials & Set-Up for Daily Drawing
At the beginning of my daily drawing project I experimented with different media. I made drawings with charcoal, pen, ink, and pencil on different sized paper. After a few weeks of testing out materials I settled on drawing with pencil (usually 2B or HB) on 9″ x 12″ paper.
Why keep a standard drawing size?
The standard 9″ x 12″ paper size makes it easy to ship my drawings to collectors. 9″ x 12″ drawings fit perfectly in a vinyl record sleeve and mailing box (and I have lots of those thanks to my husband’s huge music collection!). You can read more about how I ship drawings in this post Recently Sold: Two Toy Elephant Drawings.
The standard 9″ x 12″ drawing paper size also fits in my purse or knapsack. I carry multiple sets with me so that I can draw in different locations. This makes it easier for me to fit in my daily drawing, even on days that I’m busy with work and family fun.
Where to do daily drawings?
I’ve mostly drawn in my art studio or home where I have lots of toys. But during the daily drawing project I’ve also made drawings at my parents’ house – they still have lots of toys from childhood like the carousel toy horses.

5 Benefits of Daily Drawing
During my 6 months of daily drawing, I found some unexpected benefits from the project. Here are my top 5 benefits…
More Productive: being committed to daily drawing and carrying around my drawing supplies has made me more productive in making artwork. The project inspired me to make other artwork in addition to the drawings of toys and stuffed animals.
- Because I’m carrying around pencil and paper I’ve also drawn in other places, like restaurants and the Art Gallery of Ontario. I don’t count these drawings as part of my daily drawing project.
- Inspired Painting: I’ve also been inspired to start a series of paintings on the toy elephant, lion and other animals. Painting was my first art love. For a long time I used to dread drawing classes. My daily drawing practice has ignited both an appreciation for drawing and re-invigorated my painting practice.
Sharing My Art: when I started the daily drawing project, I started sharing some drawings and older artwork on social media. I recently joined Instagram (you can follow me on Instagram by clicking here), started a Facebook page for my Fine Art, and am building up my Pinterest boards.
- Some drawings from the daily drawing project are better than others. I don’t share all of my drawings because of time and pride.
Selling My Artwork: through sharing select drawings, I’ve sold some drawings and other artwork. I didn’t start the daily drawing project thinking that I’d be making art to sell. Initially I was using any sketchbook paper and materials I had in my studio. But once collectors expressed interest in and starting buying the drawings, I made sure to use high quality paper and carefully store the drawings.
- If you’re interested in buying an original drawing from this daily drawing project, check out my Online Shop and Art for Kids page. You can also contact me to inquire about other drawings not shown on my website.
What’s Next?
I continue to find drawing toys and stuffed animals inspiring but it’s time for a new artwork project. Stay tuned to this blog or join my email newsletter list to learn more about my new art and drawing projects.