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Daily Drawing Project of a Toy Elephant

Obsessed with Drawing a Toy Elephant

In 2015, my daily drawing project was to draw a toy elephant each day. Shown is a wall of drawings of the over-sized elephant. I aimed for at least 15 minutes of drawing; sometimes it took less time. Usually I ended up spending more time on the drawing as I become engrossed in the process of sketching. Below are detailed images of some of the elephant drawings. I've tried pen and charcoal on paper. The majority of drawings so far have been in pencil on paper. 

Wall of Toy Elephant Drawings, Pencil, Pen & Charcoal on Paper, 9″ x 12″, 2015 rachael grad original artwork

Wall of Toy Elephant Drawings, Pencil, Pen & Charcoal on Paper, 9″ x 12″, 2015

Why Draw A Toy Elephant?

At the time a collector friend asked me the inevitable question: why draw a toy elephant? I was fascinated by animals and inanimate objects that take on human characteristics and more importance to children and adults because of their associations. The word anthropomorphic sums up this quality:


adjective an·thro·po·mor·phic ˌan(t)-thrə-pə-ˈmȯr-fik

: described or thought of as being like human beings in appearance, behavior, etc. or : considering animals, objects, etc., as having human qualities

Toy Elephant February 20, Pencil on Paper Drawing, 9″ x 12″, 2015

Toy Elephant February 20, Pencil on Paper Drawing, 9″ x 12″, 2015