Why Draw the Elephant? Daily Drawing Project FAQ's
Daily Drawing Project FAQ's
Question: Why draw the Toy Elephant?
Answer: The toy elephant has the advantage of having emotional attachment and is super easy to work with! The elephant is cherished by my toddler, who was given it as a gift from our cousin when he was just over a week old. Because the elephant is large and much bigger than my toddler, he finds it fun to hug, move around the house, jump on, and position in different ways.
Question: Why not draw people or dogs, like you did in the past?
Answer: Before this project in 2015, I painted people and worked with live models. Now that I'm a mom, I find it more difficult to coordinate and schedule painting sessions with actual human beings. I wanted to draw an object that is life-like but able to stay still for a while as I paint or draw. I needed a subject that has meaning to me and is always available in my home. In the past, I've drawn my dog but she moves around a lot so wasn't the best subject for this sustained Daily Drawing Project. The elephant has proven fun and inspiring to draw!
- Toy Elephant Drawing February 18 Pencil on Paper, 9" x 12", 2015
Question: How do you chose the materials you use?
Answer: During the Daily Drawing Project, I've experimented with pen, charcoal, and pencil on paper. I've mostly used pencil because it doesn't make much of a mess and is non-toxic. Charcoal or ink can be messier to maneuver and more easily smudge. These considerations are important with a dog and a toddler in my studio space!
Question: How long do you plan to draw the elephant?
Answer: For as long as it inspires me!
- Toy Elephant Drawing March 20, Pencil on Paper, 9" x 12", 2015
Question: Why do you draw every day?
Answer: Committing to a daily drawing means that I consistently draw, paint, and think about art. Making my drawing project a daily habit has encouraged me to think more about my current art and future projects. The daily drawings have also inspired me to work on new paintings. Like working out, it's so easy to make excuses to skip a day here or there. But by making drawing a daily habit, I'm more focused, productive, and creative.
Question: Are the drawings for sale?
Answer: Yes, the toy elephant drawings are for sale! I've already sold some directly to collectors. I'm setting up my online shop and will add available drawings soon. In the meantime, please contact me directly to purchase your favorite drawing!
Question: How much do you charge for a drawing?
Answer: Each drawing is $75 (U.S.) plus shipping fees.
Question: How is this drawing project influencing your artwork as a whole?
Answer: Inspired by the daily drawings, I started new paintings of the toy elephant. I have more paintings in progress that I will post soon. Stay tuned....
Did I miss your question about the Daily Drawing Project? Send or email me your specific questions..
- Toy Elephant Drawing March 21, 9″ x 12″, 2015